
Welcome! I am KA Venn, erotic author.

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I write hot steamy TABOO erotica featuring rough rapists, horny daddies, sexy milf mommies, and LOADS more creamy stuff! I also enjoy creating scifi and fantasy worlds to add depth to spicy erotic tales that I weave. I have two alternate pen names: Britney Davis (Female POV stories) and Jared Williams (Male POV).

My stories feature wild, outlandish plots, and are not meant to be taken seriously. Many of my characters, male and female, unabashedly enjoy sex, and do not represent any sort of realistic viewpoint. I do not condone any of the things that happen in my books. Fiction is fiction, and I write for fun, and pleasure. I hope you will enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them!

My works are available here on my site, or on Smashwords.